Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Fathers World

I did it. After researching and researching I started the boys in My Fathers World Kindergarten (MFW) Its going AWESOME! B started kindergarten in September with curriculum that I thought would work wonders for him but it turns out I was wrong. So I bought this and started J with him. It is going so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  J has to do everything B does (thats just the way it is when you are your big brothers tail) so he is. He will start his own math in the fall so right now he is just doing pattern blocks and playing with cuisenaire rods. So far its working out great! T and S will start MFW  Exploring Countries and Cultures next year. S will go on to MFW high school after that but I think ECC will be good for her just before High School.... (THAT  is a scary though... High School... YIKES- thats a whole different post) I think this will really work out well for the kids (and dad when he has to teach)

1 comment:

  1. how exciting to find a curriculum that clicks, so quickly! Sounds like you are going to have a great second half of the year :) High school is not so bad, easier in some ways..but a lot of pressure to get it right.
