We we finally decided to get B tested. We found out alot of things that I feel like I should have known. He has a sensory processing disorder (SPD), a sensory integration disorder (they think- but they are certain enough that they told me about it so that would lead me to believe they are very certain just not 100% positive) low tone, severe visual/spatial delays, low eye tracking and his eyes do not work together like they should. Now they think he has a form of Autism. He also has tourettes syndrome but we knew that. (not an official diagnosis until now though but sometimes you just know) I have mixed feelings. I feel like I should have seen this. I feel like I let my son down because I knew something was "off" but didn't get this looked into until now. Now he is about 6 months behind in kindergarten and its my fault.
On the other hand I am glad we know. Now I can look into what my son needs to help him. So that he can learn in the way HE needs to learn. I can meet him at where he is and we can go from there. Now I know that some of the things he does are not just him being defiant (how many times did I get after him for some of this stuff???)
I guess the past is behind me and no matter how much I would like to change I can't, I just know that now I can better deal with things now that I know. It could be worse- they didn't want to test him until 2nd grade. How far behind would he have been then? How many times would I have gotten after him for things he is not purposely doing to be defiant? Now I know.