We didn't do any school last week. The girls were in Pinocchio which was presented by the Missoula Childrens Theater. They were both Storytelling Urchins :) S was Urchin number 1, 11 and part of 6 so she had quite a large part. She also gave Pinocchio his nose everytime he told a lie. T was Urchin number 8 and part of 6 also. Urchin number 6 quit because she was moving. The directors were not happy because they asked at the beginning of auditions if everybody would be able to commit to this. The show was Saturday at 3pm and 7pm and ofcourse Friday night S started getting sick. She made it through the shows, then right when we got home Saturday night went to sleep and spiked a fever. She is still not feeling well. I might make her a dr appointment if she doesnt start sounding better. I know pneumonia is going around our town right now- quite a few people we know have it. We are slowly getting back to our school schedule this week. S is taking it slow. She started Life of Fred Pre-Algebra 2 w/ Economics and so far she loves it. She is only on Chapter 3 right now but this is her 4th Life of Fred book and she has loved them all.
T is starting Horizons Math 3B workbook Wednesday. She is a bit behind in math but she will get caught up soon enough. She is almost done with SOTW 2 but she is just reading through them since we are switching to My Fathers World next year. I will have her read SOTW 3 next then some American History books I have (short chapter books) Nothing deep- that will come with the My Fathers World cycle.
S is steadily going through Chalkdust Pre-Algebra. She is doing VERY well with it! She is almost done with Myster of History 2 then will move right on to Mystery Of History 3. We just got that in the mail friday!! I love the new format of MOH! Hardcover and color and very nice looking :)
B is doing good with My Fathers World K. I found somebody who is selling MFW 1st grade at a very nice price and its complete!!!! (YAY for our checkbook!!!!!!)
J is J. He is my busy 4 year old who is soon to be a busy 5 year old who at the moment wants nothing to do with K. Thats ok, he will start full K next year. He knows his letters and numbers so we are good :)