Friday, January 28, 2011

This has been a good week for school. MFW K is a huge hit with B! J has kinda decided he doesn't want to do kindergarten so we are calling this "little kindergarten" and next year he will be in "big kindergarten" He said he doesnt like the word preschool so we are not calling it that :).  He does participate once in a while though like here when the boys are making "S" books

As you can see in the back ground, S is making a Deco Cross for Mystery of History II. She learned about the Iconoclast Controversy.  Here is her finished product.

After a 3 week break from Life of Fred we finally got Life of Fred Pre-Algebra 2 with economics in the mail so S will start that today. She is excited and she admitted it out loud for us all to hear!!!!! :) (THAT in itself is exciting!!!!!)

T did not have any art projects this week. I am just having her read through Story Of The World 2 because we decided to switch to My Fathers World next year and will start with ECC so she will get the full history rotation with that in good depth. So we are going to have her read through SOTW 2 and 3 then throw in some American History books/biographies to round out 3rd grade history.  She got a bit behind in math so we really focused on getting her caught up and by next week she will be. YAY!  She is struggling with long divison though so I am trying to find a way for her to understand that (without pulling teeth)

Oh, I forgot to say, the boys are making raisins for science so I will have pictures of the progress of that when they are done. This has been a really good week, lets hope next week is good also!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

High School???

So I had to face reality that S is going to be in high school before I know it. I forced myself to make a tentative 4 year high school plan so I can better plan for 8th grade next year. Just for the record, it is not fair that my baby is on the verge of high school :(
9TH GRADEBible- Old Testament
Math- Chalkdust Geometry, Math U See: Stewardship
LA- Writing Strands (the level depends on how far we get next year in 8th grade), vocabulary, Ancient Lit
Science- Apologia Biology w/ DVD lectures & lab
Logic- Intermediate Logic
History- MFW Ancient History
Electives- Spanish and undecided what else
Volleyball and Soccer
Bible- New Testament and Church History
Math- Chalkdust Algebra 2, Budgeting (curriculum undecided for budgeting)
LA- Writing Strands (if we have not finished by 10th grade) World Lit, vocabulary
Science- Apologia Chemistry w/ DVD lectures and lab
Logic- I don't know what
History- MFW World history
Electives- Spanish and undecided what else
Volleyball and Soccer
Bible- Biblical Worldview
Math- Chalkdust PreCalculus and Business Math (not sure what curriculum yet for business math)
LA- American Lit, vocabulary (if series of book I chose are not completed in 10th)
Science- Apologia Advanced Biology w/ dvd lectures and lab
History- US History-1877
Electives- Spanish, French and undecided
Volleyball and Soccer
Bible- Spiritual Disciplines
Math- Chalkdust Calculus
LA- Modern Lit/Speech
Science- Apologia Advanced Chemistry w/ dvd lectures and lab
History- US History 1877-present
Electives- Spanish, French and undecided
Volleyball and soccer
Since she is planning on becoming a Vet she will be taking the Veterinary Medicine 4H class sometime in high school and we are hoping to get her an internship at the local vet's office. She will also start volunteering at the Humane Society. I am not ready for high school :(

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Fathers World

I did it. After researching and researching I started the boys in My Fathers World Kindergarten (MFW) Its going AWESOME! B started kindergarten in September with curriculum that I thought would work wonders for him but it turns out I was wrong. So I bought this and started J with him. It is going so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  J has to do everything B does (thats just the way it is when you are your big brothers tail) so he is. He will start his own math in the fall so right now he is just doing pattern blocks and playing with cuisenaire rods. So far its working out great! T and S will start MFW  Exploring Countries and Cultures next year. S will go on to MFW high school after that but I think ECC will be good for her just before High School.... (THAT  is a scary though... High School... YIKES- thats a whole different post) I think this will really work out well for the kids (and dad when he has to teach)
Welcome to my blog! After many people telling me to get one going here it is :) Pictures will have to wait until I get my battery back for my camera. We just bought it and ofcourse the battery was bad so who knows how long it will take to get a replacement. We sent it in last week. This will be mainly devoted to our homeschool but ofcourse other things will be in here now and then. I welcome any and all tips as I get used to this thing. Here is a warning up front, this is the time of year I get my final curriculum plans for next year so you have been warned :)